Monday, March 31, 2008

New Glasses, w00t!!

So I've been on a 4 year long search for plastic frame glasses that are actually wide enough for my melon head. Finally I have found a pair, should be here next week, then off to an eye exam, then it'll be about a week after that and I'll have them with rx lenses.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Bos is the Boss!!!

So I was checking Trackosaurusrex's blog and saw this. Dude is so fast, it's rediculouls!

Tron Rules and I hate cars.

So my car is hating on my transportation freedom. It keeps not wanting to start, my mechanic thinks he may have it figured out. Hopefully so, as I'm sick of car troubles to say the least.

On a lighter note, this is hella tight! Tron

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I Love this shirt.

It's tight!


For the record I love shitty top 40 rap. This is so damn good, the production anyway, who am I kidding I love the shitty raps too.

Good Morning.

I've been obsessing over vampire's again recently. This has led to the resurrection of BKM as a bicycle club, as well as the reading of some really good vampire books. First was The London Vampire Panic by Michael Romkey, the second also by Romkey was The Vampire Virus. I finished it last night actually. I really enjoyed both so much. The stories involve Beethoven, the Illuminati, and Dr. Van Helsing. I've got a few more of his I plan to read as well. Also if you haven't seen 30 Days of Night, do so immediately.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I started this for the hell of it, so we'll see where it goes. I'm sure it'll be full of Real Talk, and the likes. I guess anyone can haz blog? Here's an example of what's to come.


Slow Sunday
