Saturday, May 17, 2008


I'm glad Matt and Evan are coming down to play. Without Marea here I don't see many live dj's really, or hear them on a regular basis. Mainly due to my work schedule, so tonight is going to be a blast, plus I get to here Ben play and he is always solid as well. I got some good riding in yesterday, about 15 miles or so. Since being back from Chicago I've got a total of 91 miles in, so I'm stoked about that. Going to get back in the gym this week, so I'll have to drive to work on Monday and Wednesday, if weather is good Thursday I plan on riding my bike to work again, and if it's good Friday, I'll ride to work, work out, and then ride home. My plan is to weather permitting, ride to work on Sunday, and Thursday. Drive on Monday, and Wednesday, that way I can take gym clothes etc with me. Then Friday when I'm off, ride to work, workout, then ride home. If I can get to ride those 3 days, that'll be 28 miles a day so 84 miles a week right there, plus 3 hours in the gym a week, not counting riding I do on my other days off. If I can get into this steadily I'll be able to accomplish my resolution of getting in the best shape of my life. It's going to be a lot of work since I'm heavier than ever, but in the short time I've been lifting again I've already made noticeable gains in strength, which is my main goal. I'm not concerned with getting super huge, I want to get a flat stomach, and get strong.

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